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Firat Akarcali is a pianist, composer, and music producer based in Florida. He began playing the piano at the age of six, and composing has been his greatest passion since childhood. In 2001, he was accepted into Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Piano Department, and in 2012, he studied piano at the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversitat in Vienna. He graduated from Ankara State Conservatory (BA) in 2014, and in 2018, he received his master's degree from Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Piano Department.


In 2022, Akarcali was nominated for the 24th Yapi Kredi Afife Theatre Awards in the "Best Original Music" category for his original composition for "Cherry Orchard". Another theatre play, "Periferi", which includes Akarcali's original music, won the "Best Production" award at the "Direklerarasi Theater Awards". In addition to his solo career, he has composed original music for over 40 theatre plays for Turkish State Theater and many other private theatre organizations. He has released 6 studio albums and several singles, some of which have been picked for international playlists by Apple Music and Spotify. This success has brought Akarcali more than 3 million streams worldwide and international listeners.


Akarcali is the owner of "Man Cave Studios", where he composes for TV and media, produces his own music, and collaborates with other musical artists. He is currently pursuing his second master's degree at Florida Atlantic University's Commercial Music Program, and he is also working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.

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